Gas Station Feasibility Study
Wert-Berater, Inc. specializes in providing expert and reliable feasibility studies for gas station projects.
Our team of experienced professionals evaluates all aspects of the project to ensure its success – from project inception to construction and operations planning.
Choose us to help you make informed decisions for your gas station project.
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Gas Station
Feasibility Study
At Wert-Berater, Inc., we are experts in gas station feasibility studies, providing essential information to those seeking SBA, USDA or other commercial loans.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to delivering accurate and comprehensive evaluations of gas station properties, including market analysis, financial projections, and site assessments.
With our expertise and attention to detail, we help clients make informed decisions about their investments and develop successful business plans.
Whether your project is Franchised, Independent, includes QSR(s) and Convenience Store or accompanying car wash, we have the experience to provide a comprehensive gas station feasibility study that assist your decision making process and potential loan underwriting in compliance with the Small Business Administration (SBA) or other commercial loan requirements.
See our Experience Page for recent Gas Station Feasibility Studies completed around the nation.
How do we do it?
Gas Station Feasibility Studies are carried out by a careful evaluation as presented in the following Gas Station Feasibility Statement of Work which complies with USDA and SBA loan underwriting requirements.
We subscribe to reliable sources of data that are accepted by loan underwriters.
Will my gas station feasibility study be accepted by my lender?
We are approved by a vast network of SBA Lenders, CDC's and Commercial Banks.
Prior to ordering your gas station feasibility study, if your lender is not on our list, we are pleased to provide our feasibility study consultant credentials including E&O Insurance, Sample Gas Station Feasibility Studies, references, and our resumes.
How much does a Gas Station Feasibility Study cost?
Depending on the complexity of the project and the time needed to have a completed gas station feasibility study ready, the cost varies from about $6,500 to $10,000.
How much time is needed for us to complete and deliver your gas station feasibility study?
This depends on our workload when you order your gas station feasibility study.
RUSH orders cost extra, but can be completed in as little as 5-business days, providing you have the necessary items provided to us at engagement.
Generally, gas station feasibility studies are completed in about 10 to 15 business days.
What items do I need to provide to have a Gas Station Feasibility Study completed?
Our gas station feasibility studies are comprehensive and intended for loan underwriting purposes.
There are companies we can recommend such as Kalibrate if you are seeking only fuel sales and in-store sales estimates.
If you already have a Kalibrate report, we are pleased to refer to it in our gas station feasibility study as support for our research and analysis.
A gas station feasibility study used for loan underwriting must be a third party unbiased feasibility study.
We normally request the following items when you engage us for a gas station feasibility study:
Parcel number(s)
Land cost
Site plan
Franchise agreement (s) or summaries of the terms
Building renderings and dimensions (SF areas and allocations)
If a QSR(s) is part of your plan, we must know which franchise and the SF area allocation
Project cost breakdown
Land cost and when purchased or is it under contract
Resumes for all owners with 20% or more interest
Loan terms applied for including Loan Type such as SBA 504 or 7(a), USDA, loan amount(s), interest rate and amortization
Copy of your business plan including your projections
Any appraisals
Any environmental reports (if a purchase, continuance or reposition project, all Phase I or Phase II Environmental assessments
Lender term sheet if available
Other items you deem important
Lender contact details
Gas Station Feasibility Study Statement of Work
Executive Summary
Gas Station Feasibility Studies are designed to comply with SBA, USDA and other commercial loan application requirements.
The Executive Summary includes the following items:
Project summary concerning the franchise, planned improvements details and location
Loan request details
Project cost summary
Conclusions and Recomendations
Economic Feasibility
Gas Station Feasibility Study site analysis is a critical component of the project whether its of new construction or a repositioning project, a compete site analysis is completed summarized as follows:
Information regarding project site including:
Land area
Site locator maps
Flood zone
Access and Road Service to the Site
Utilities availability
Availability of infrastructure
Traffic counts
Neighborhood analysis
Radius Demographics
Intended hours of operation
Franchise information and background for fuel sales, c-store and QRS's if any
Labor scheme which summarizes the number of employees, shifts worked, wages and benefits
Site analysis summary
Market Feasibility
The market feasibility section for a gas station feasibility study includes the following items:
National industry overview
Local competitive analysis including existing, in-planning and under construction competitors
Road way influences
Traffic capture rates
Neighborhood competitor fuel sales history and growth rates
Store Fuel sales estimates, including seasonality
Convenience store, QSR, car wash and other inside sales estimates
Technical Feasibility
The technical feasibility study section for a gas station feasibility study includes the following items:
Suitability of the selected site for the intended use including an environmental impact analysis
Development and construction cost estimates
Commercial Replication risks
Regulation and Governmental Action
Financial Feasibility
Financial Feasibility
The financial feasibility study section for a Gas Station feasibility study includes the following items:
Pro Forma Assumptions Summary
Gallons Sold Analysis
Pro forma (10 years)
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Analysis 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year hold
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
Sensitivity Analysis
Breakeven Analysis
Management Feasibility
The gas station management feasibility section includes:
Summary of your experience, education, and training for all owners with a 20% interest or more
Ownership interest summary
Availability of short-term credit
Tax issues, if any
Company organizational chart
Type of legal entity and information concerning its formation
Why choose Wert-Berater, Inc. for your Gas Station Feasibility Study and what sets Wert-Berater, Inc. from their competitors?
We are a small and focused firm that specializes in feasibility studies since 1998 having over 25-years of experience.
We are lender underwriting report focused, thereby your lender will be provided with the appropriate third party assessment of your project. We understand the loan underwriting process.
Over the decades, feedback from lenders has helped shape our gas station feasibility studies to comply with underwriting demands.
Moreover, we have experience in a wide array of markets and franchises.
Our in-house files include feasibility studies that we have provided whereas many owners have provided us with financial statements for their other gas stations, thus we have developed well-supported pro forma statements based on actual financial statement ratios in just about all 5o states and territories.
We also subscribe to platforms such as RMA (Risk Management Association), ArcGIS Business Analyst, and Dun & Bradstreet which provides us with localized competitor financial data for competitors. Concerning fuel sales, we also communicate with local jobbers.
Our gas station feasibility studies are bankable feasibility studies mostly used for to support loan applications.